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Pink Punters



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    Alex img 1

    I purchased a ticket online in advance of the event, on the basis it was a fast-track ticket for entry. It transpired there was no separate queue for fast track, and people that hadn't got a ticket were in the same line. It took about an hour to get in, with most of this time standing in the rain. I also witnessed queue jumping, with security letting this take place. I also saw a few people give up and get taxis elsewhere, which suggests the event was oversold, and there wasn't a ticket limit. When I got in, I had a very poor bar experience. The first occasion when I just managed to get in 15 minutes before midnight - the rave bar attender coming up to the clock turning 00:00 said it was his new year too, and that he was going to have a 5-minute break, and just stood there behind the bar. My second poor bar experience was in the main disco room, where bar staff were not prioritising people that had been there first. There was a point where one of the bar tenders said to me that I was next after another customer who had been there a lot less than me. The entertainment was fantastic, but I was let down by poor experiences on occasions throughout the night, which ruined New Year's Eve for me and my friends.

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    Ronan Barton img 1

    Disappointing for a number of reasons. The venue had really pushed the “pre-buying” of New Years Eve tickets on there social channels this included fast track. On arrival to the venue, we were informed ticket holders and non ticket holders needed to join the same queue, I would understand this if it would not have been sold as fast-track. The staff at the venue just seemed to have a lack of interest that people had pre-purchased tickets.

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    Nathan Howard img 3

    A very good night out, but be very weary who you talk to. I went there on the 26th and was speaking to a guy who had got into a argument, proceeded to show me a 12 inch machete shoved down his pants! There is a load of security, but the search at the door is very poor It was easy enough for that guy to bring in a 12 inch machete. Very good night out, but keep yourself to yourself.

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    abbie maria img 1

    Don’t bother going here for big events like HALLOWEEN unless you are prepared to queue for 2 hours or more. My friend and I arrived at 11pm and were still queuing at 1am, we weren’t even near the front at this point so we made the decision to go home as people were coming out the club saying “don’t bother, it’s so claustrophobic, no space to dance, can take an hour to get served at the bar etc and queues going out the door to use this toilet”. There were people in front of us that had purchased tickets but still had to wait as long as us. Lots of people jumped over the barriers and pushed in, we saw a few bouncers allow girls wearing hardly anything to skip right to the front! They were also charging £15 entry, there are clubs in London that would charge less. For events like this they should let everyone book online and show tickets on arrival and let a certain amount of people in. The queue alone was insanely long, never seen anything like it, that combined with people already in the club would have been unsafe, it looked over full to capacity when we arrived. It was a shame as many people had got dressed up and didn’t even manage to get in or got tired of waiting for so long! Would not recommend, going to stick to a pub crawl next year!

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    Jayme Leigh img 3

    An interesting night to say the least. For starters, entry and drink pricing is stupidly expensive considering its location - £15 is what I'd expect to pay in London, not one hour outside of it. The venue itself gives me '1984 vibes', with security cameras literally every 3 feet (including in the toilets which I found a little intrusive?) - there's also panic buttons in the club rooms and plenty of security patrolling the whole place. I went when it wasn't too busy so there were about as many security as there were guests which did make me feel safe but also a bit intimidated. Definitely themed as an LGTBQ+ club but really open to all. Would possibly go again but definitely need to adjust that entry price and drink prices.