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    Daniella Baranowski-hart img 1

    Middle aged owner is a tad pushy, sells you the display item and when you ask for a new one she says she just put it out. Not great quality at all. Wore mine for approx 1 month, didn't tarnish but when I went back as the hinge came lose I was told I had taken it off too many times (2 times max in 4 weeks) she said she would tighten for me and proceeded to badly scratch my bracelet. When I pointed this out she knew she had and said yes, I tightened it. When I said I wasn't happy with this, she threw my bracelet to the side and ordered me to take the same one from the display. Very aggressive stance that was unwarranted. Won't be going back!

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    Monica img 1

    Counterfeit jewellery

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    Karin Ross img 1

    Got a nose ring broke the same day total rubbish